DotAsia Sets Another Industry First with FreeB.Asia:
Free USB Gadget for Every “.Asia” Domain Registered
Free USB Gadget for Every “.Asia” Domain Registered
This is the first time a domain registry is giving out nifty tech gadgets for every domain registered. With Asia being the undisputed region of gadgets, it is fitting that “.Asia” is the first to offer such an unprecedented premium for the global domain community.
“It ties in well with the identity of the ‘.Asia’ domain for a region known for its tech miniaturization savvy,” says Edmon Chung, CEO of DotAsia. “Besides being first of its kind, the offer also aligns with DotAsia’s support for SMEs around the world to do business in Asia.”
Alongside this amazing offer, DotAsia continues to build value for the “.Asia” namespace through
community and market initiatives. KeepClicking.Asia ( is a social platform inviting domain investors and SMEs to a dialogue about the growing Asian Internet marketplace; ListenUp.Asia ( is a podcast series about business, entertainment and the Internet market in Asia; Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Award (APEA – recognises leaders for outstanding entrepreneurship and has an objective to stimulate the growth of Asian brands and enterprises.
“SMEs represent 95% of the economy, employing 65% of the workforce in Asia. With 650 Million online customers in Asia, the Asian Internet marketplace represents significant potential market for SMEs worldwide. DotAsia is working hard to provide support for businesses around the world to serve the Asia community through establishing ‘.Asia’ as the domain of choice for ecommerce in Asia,” adds Chung.
Asian businesses are starting to adopt “.Asia” as the domain of choice for their online presence.
Restaurants and bars (,, real estate developments (,, tech companies (,, artists (,,magazines(, and others (, are just some of the examples found at KeepClicking.Asia. A number of professionals as well as organisations have exclusively selected “.Asia” even when the corresponding “.com” domain is still available (e.g.,, etc.).
The FreeB.Asia ( program aims to attract SMEs and individuals around the world to adopt a “.Asia” domain when expanding their business to Asia.
About DotAsia Organisation
DotAsia Organisation ( is a not‐for‐profit corporation with a mission to
promote Internet development and adoption in Asia. The organization oversees the ‘.Asia’ top‐level Internet domain name, and is formed as an open consortium of 20 official top‐level‐domain authorities around the region, including .CN (China), .JP (Japan), .KR (Korea), .IN (India), .NZ (New Zealand), .PH (Philippines), etc., and 5 regional Internet organizations including APNIC,APNG, APCERT, PAN and APTLD. Asia has developed into a global force in the international commercial, political and cultural network. The .Asia domain aspires to embrace this dynamism in the Asia Century to become a nucleus, intersection and breeding ground for Internet activity and development in the region.
promote Internet development and adoption in Asia. The organization oversees the ‘.Asia’ top‐level Internet domain name, and is formed as an open consortium of 20 official top‐level‐domain authorities around the region, including .CN (China), .JP (Japan), .KR (Korea), .IN (India), .NZ (New Zealand), .PH (Philippines), etc., and 5 regional Internet organizations including APNIC,APNG, APCERT, PAN and APTLD. Asia has developed into a global force in the international commercial, political and cultural network. The .Asia domain aspires to embrace this dynamism in the Asia Century to become a nucleus, intersection and breeding ground for Internet activity and development in the region.
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